Small Steps To Stay Fit During the Holidays


As we all know, this is one of the most difficult times of year to stay fit. And it’s not only due to how busy or stressful holidays are, or the fact that we are constantly surrounded by all the seasonal foods (and the tempting smells that come with it). Sometimes, it’s something as simple as, it’s freezing outside. When we combine all of these factors, it’s no mystery why this time of year is typically associated with weight gain. But have no fear! With a well thought out approach to our fitness, while keeping our environment in consideration, there is no reason we can’t take some steps to make sure we stay fit throughout our festivities! So, let’s go over some of the ways we can inject activity into our holidays.

Don’t Oversleep

While sleep does have tremendous benefits for our physical wellbeing, oversleeping can be an equally large detriment. Firstly, oversleep has long been associated with both diabetes and obesity. Research has found that people sleeping 9 to 10 hours a night are 21% more likely to gain weight. Besides, there are only so many hours in the day, and we want to make sure we get the most out of them. Keep in mind, oversleeping can also cause headaches, which is a surefire way to break our motivation. So, rest up, but don’t overdo it!

Winter Sports and Games

Who says fitness can’t be fun? Winter presents us so many opportunities for outdoor activities, which, aside from getting us a bit of sunlight (no matter how cold it is), keep us moving, gets our hearts pumping, burns calories, and most importantly, make us happy! Some people might enjoy ice skating or hockey, obviously, but there are plenty of things to do for those of us who don’t feel confident on skates. Whether it be building a snowman or getting into a ferocious snowball fight, any exertion can go a long way to keeping us fit and active during the holidays.


We always seem to emphasize this point, don’t we? But the fact of the matter is that being well hydrated is beneficial to both our fitness and our health. This time of year, we emphasize it because drinking water tends to be the last thing on our mind when the temperature drops, or we are surrounded by more seasonal beverages like eggnog or hot cocoa. Think about it. We have no problems drinking water during summer when it feels like we do nothing but sweat, but when the temperature alone isn’t enough to remind us, we need to remind ourselves of why this is so important.

Get Out and About

We are all going to be tempted to stay indoors this time of year. Why wouldn’t we be? It’s warm and cozy, and it just feels like such a nice escape. And that’s good, so long as we don’t get carried away. Whether it’s walking extra laps at a mall when we’re doing our shopping, or finding the closest park to us, we should make it a goal to get some steps in. Also, worth pointing out, cold is helpful in burning calories. To be clear, anyone stepping out into the elements during winter should definitely bundle up, because safety first. But part of our bodies response to cold is to burn fat as a means of preserving body heat. Side bonus, cold can help with inflammation! So be safe but be sure to get some of that crisp winter air.

At Home Work Out!

On the other hand, nobody could blame us for wanting to stay active indoors. After all, as long as we make the effort, there is no reason we can’t stay fit in our own homes. Whether it is something lighthearted and cheerful like dancing, or something relaxing like yoga, anything that gets us moving when we would rather not be is a good thing! To those of us looking to up the difficulty level, there are countless at home fitness tutorials on platforms like YouTube that can provide us with a guide to simple but effective at home workouts!

Get on Up!

This one is short and sweet. This time of year is notorious for making us lethargic, and a sedentary lifestyle is linked to several weight related problems. Sometimes, winter is just gloomy enough that it makes us not want to do anything at all. So be sure to get up, and move around for a bit, even if it is just something as simple as tidying up around the house. If we look for an excuse to get up, we will always find one.

Medical Professionals can Help Navigate the Season

We’ve all heard some version of the phrase “There is no substitute for experience.” And when it comes to our health, why not trust the experts? Weight loss, nutrition, wellness, and fitness falls under the category of medical science. By seeking the help of trained professionals, you not only have better resources to succeed, but the support structure you need to build better habits. The professionals at Olivera Weight Loss have over 40 years of experience in helping people reduce their weight to a healthy BMI, in a clinically proven and medically safe way, and with the means to help their patients keep it off. Patients who qualify for medical weight loss treatment with Olivera receive Phentermine, an FDA approved, clinically proven appetite suppressant. This is particularly helpful during a time of year where food and drink is all around us. Patients also have access to our Meal Plans to help keep a balanced and nutritious, and delicious diet, in a sustainable way. With our established patients having the option to continue their care with our Telehealth service, receiving the support, encouragement, and continuing education they need, we make it easier than ever to follow your plan and stay on track during the holidays!

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