Watch Now: How to Identify, Prevent, and Treat Burnout
As a patient leader, it’s easy to get burned out; and burnout, unidentified & untreated, can become something more severe, like depression. So how do we identify burnout? What can we do to treat it? And how might we prevent getting burned out in the future?
In honor of Mental Health Month this May, Dr. Christina Hibbert—clinical psychologist, bestselling author, breast cancer warrior, & WEGO Health Awards 2021 winner is breaking-down what the aspects of burnout and what patient leaders can do to prevent it. As leaders within the health space, it’s vital for patient leaders to consider what burnout may look like and how it could be impacting their own health – after all, you can’t pour from an empty cup!
Catch the patient leader must-watch session below:
Key Takeaways
⭐ Symptoms of burnout include feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, & anxious, experiencing a lack of creativity and low motivation
⭐ Burnout is more common than you think, especially when it comes to the world of patient advocacy. Sometimes, we may not even realize we’re burnt out until things come to a slow.
⭐ Depression and burnout are not the same thing. Dr. Christi breaks down the differences between the two and when it’s time to get professional help.
⭐ Whether you have experienced burnout yourself or know others living through burnout, the good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat burnout. Such as, saying ‘no’, scheduling alone time for yourself, talking with a trusted friend or family member, and doing something creative.
⭐ Watch the full session for 6 steps to start treating your burnout today!
“Letting it all go was like finally breathing when I hadn’t even realized I’d been drowning.” – Dr. Christi Hibbert
Meet Dr. Christi Hibbert
Dr. Christina Hibbert is a clinical psychologist, bestselling author, breast cancer warrior, & WEGO Health Awards 2021. She is a thought leader in the areas of motherhood, women’s mental health, postpartum, parenting, grief/loss, and personal growth. Learn more about her advocacy journey.