Lift Weights and Get Lean Like a Fitness Model

Lift Weights and Get Lean Like a Fitness Model

get lean as a fitness model

Lift weights and get lean like a fitness model. Heather knew that she wanted to work out and get leaner, but wasn’t certain of how to train and eat to get the muscle definition that she wanted.

She did the Hitch Fit Fitness Model plan, learned how to eat and train to get lean and reveal her six pack abs! Now that she has achieved this first goal, she has shifted focus and is working on building more muscle. Congratulations and great job Heather!

lift weights and get lean like a fitness model

Fitness model plan

Heather’s Before and After Fitness Model Stats: 

Starting weight: 113

Ending weight: 101.6

Starting body fat: 19.6%

Ending body fat: 11.7%

Heather’s Before and After Fitness Model Photos: 

lift weights get lean

lose body fat with weight lifting

get lean fitness model plan

before and after lift weights to get lean

fit body plan for women

Heather’s Story and Hitch Fit Online Training Review: 

“Hi! My name is Heather and I’m 36 years old. I am married to my soulmate and we have 3 kids. We own several businesses and love to travel often.

I have been “small” my whole life but never had any real definition of muscle.

Shortly after getting together with my husband, he started putting the bug in my ear that working out is really important, especially as you get older. It will determine how you age.

This caught my attention and I started going to the gym a little bit but didn’t really know what I was doing.

This program not only made me know what I was doing in the gym, but it also gave me some of the muscle definition I was looking for. My fitness journey is far from over. Eating clean makes me feel so good and that I plan to continue. My workouts are now going to shift from a cut to a muscle build which I am looking forward to.

I now have a true foundation to build on in my fitness journey thanks to Hitch Fit!

fitness model body plan

Program Choice: Fitness Model

Fitness Model Diet and Exercise Plan

Add to Cart Button 12 Weeks
Add to Cart 16-Weeks

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