How Well You Know Me – Eat Diet Blog

How Well You Know Me – Eat Diet Blog

Roast Turkey Breast with citrus.

I am on day 12 of my 30 day ‘no slip’ challenge. Last week, I had six blue dot days and a few weeklies left on Sunday night – score! I made hard boiled eggs, spaghetti squash, a turkey breast, potatoes, and a WW pumpkin cheesecake to get ready for the week and I took pictures of everything – showing off! Things were going great until yesterday – I got home late, I had a rough day, and my lovely husband left two pieces of cornbread on the counter with DSC03947his unwanted leftover lunch. No big deal. Except I LOVE cornbread and I was HUNGRY by the time I got home. Sweet guy even made me a hamburger with cheese. I put it on lettuce, tomato and onions and ditched the bun – so I could have the cornbread….both pieces. I also had sweet potato fries (zero points), almonds (not zero points), and WW pumpkin cheesecake with lots of whipped cream (5 points).  By the time I was ready for bed, I was complaining to my husband that I had used up too many of my weekly points on dinner.

Scallops and Vegetables

The man knows me too well, because he says, “Did you take a picture of that?” And then he smirks because he is always waiting to eat dinner while I take pictures of my plate – but only when it is worth sharing! Isn’t it funny how we are so eager to share our success and so excited to step on the scale when we are expecting it to be a win and so reluctant to track or record our food when we are disappointed? I have been trying really hard to track everything – good and not so good – but I have to admit I was not even thinking about taking pictures of them – might be some good incentive – if I don’t want to photograph it, maybe I won’t eat it!


For tonight, I made scallops and vegetables with a side of fruit which left me with 5 points left on the day so I can float a few back to my weekly budget…if I avoid snacking before bedtime! Fingers crossed and camera ready!

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