Common Triggers That Makes a Recovering Addict Relapse
Even though addiction can be cured, most people cannot maintain their sober life for quite a long time. This is why the relapse rate is so high. Many studies have shown that people with full recovery tend to relapse after mere months and that true for 40%-60% of people. Why is that? Why people cannot stay committed to sobriety if it’s making their life better? Well, we have the answers. Stick around to learn about them all.
The reasons why a person relapse…
The severity of withdrawal
Well the first reason why many people not only relapse but also refuse to admit to a suboxone clinic near me is they are fearful of the intense withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal might look like a basic thing to go through for recovery, but only people who had to endure such a situation only know how intolerable it is. Physical conditions like full-body ache, vomiting, profoundly sweating, diarrhea, and mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, and many other symptoms are a common side-effect of drug withdrawal. After taking a sublocade shot, these symptoms can last from 6 to 12 months, so during this time frame, the patient should be under surveillance so that they don’t relapse.
The impact of negativity
One of the common reasons why people turn to substances and then relapse is because of the negativity they are surrounded with. As long as they are in the suboxone clinics or in rehab, all are in their favor but as soon as they come out of that secluded area, they are subjected to many negative social stigmas. These negative thoughts about a recovering addict, makes them consider taking drugs again. Therefore, it is only smart to avoid all kinds of negativity that await them. Make sure that you making them feel loved and supported so that they pay no attention to the negativity at all.
The temptation of triggers
Triggers are those that remind the patient of their drug abuse days. These triggers can be anything, from people, places, things, and other aspects. These reminders should be far away from the patient as soon as they are done suboxone treatment near me. They should avoid the people who are addicts themselves and only encourage them to get wasted, places where they used to take drugs or drink, and things that are constant reminders. In short, anything that is associated with addiction should be kept away from their sight.
The lack of self-care
Loving yourself is the first step of sobriety. Drug abuse damages the physical and mental health completely and the patient cannot be helped if they are not fully aware of this fact. You as a loved one need to help them understand that. This way, they will learn the importance of self-care and suboxone treatment. The patient will soon start to take care of themself by adopting a healthier lifestyle through proper diet and regular physical activity. And as they will start to self-care, their look will improve drastically resulting in giving them a boost of confidence. So, in the end, they will become smarter about their life choices. But a poor self-care routine will only make them feel worthless.
The effect of confidence
Once you start to look good, you start to feel great. Being confident in life is not many people can afford and addicted people fall in such a category. Due to their overuse of drugs along with all the social stigmas, the patient starts to feel worthless. But with proper therapy and health habits that situation can be reversed. Making sure that the person is gaining their confidence back along with providing sublocade treatment is crucial. Try to encourage them in entering important tasks is a great way to make them feel needed and as a result, they will feel confident by doing such tasks.