Best Buy Is Moving Into Health And Beauty. Will It Work?

Health, wellness and outdoor gear are natural expansions for retailers big and small but what happens when you started out selling almost exclusively gadgets and devices?

Health and personal wellness are definitely a lucrative market to tap into.

Currently worth $1.5 trillion, it has been expanding at a rate of 5% to 10% a year with no sign of the post-pandemic slowdown predicted by some analysts. 

Whether it’s Walmart  (WMT) – Get Walmart Inc. Report launching healthcare services across Florida or rumors of Amazon  (AMZN) – Get, Inc. Report eyeing Peloton  (PTON) – Get Peloton Interactive, Inc. Class A Report as a possible buyout target, bigger retailers are falling all over themselves to carve out a niche in this market and offer customers something wellness-related.