Father Of 3 Dropped 30 Lbs In 12 Weeks

Could not be more excited to share this Hitch Fit Transformation With You All. As a busy father of 3 Jesse had gotten himself out of shape but at the time he thought he was fine, it wasnt until he saw his wife go through her 1st transformation that he realized it was time to go through his own and take his health and body to the next level. You are about to see how this Father Of 3 Dropped 30 lbs in 12 weeks

In November of 2021, my wife Retta wanted to get on a program to lose weight and create a healthier lifestyle. Seeing a friend of ours go through the transformation, she was convinced that this would work. Now in the past, Retta and I have tried different programs over the years, but it seemed that when we would do them together, the results would be there, but it wasn’t what we wanted or stuck to. So, I told her to go about doing the Hitch Fit Lose Weight Feel Great Plan and I would support her in every way that I could. After seeing the results take place within the first few weeks, it got my wheels turning, but of course, this was about her and helping her be successful with meeting her goals. The last thing I wanted to do is get in her way from doing what she wanted.
Over the course of her 12 weeks, I kept telling myself I am just fine where I am at and there is no need for me to lose weight or get in shape. I enjoyed eating my bowl of cereal at night or milk and cookies. Sure, I would try the meals that I cooked for her from time to time, but I loved my pastas and junk food really. Since I do all the cooking at home, we have 3 boys and of course I would make us these meals that was not part of her nutrition and cook hers separately. While we all sat and ate our dinner together, she was eating much healthier than we were for sure and sometimes I felt a little guilty as it was not fair, and I didn’t see myself being supportive. Then it finally started to click, and I realized I need to make some changes.

Fast forward to the end of her 12 weeks. She did amazing, and it truly inspired me to do better for myself. We discussed a few times about me wanting to do this and truthfully, I was very hesitant as I didn’t think it was something I could do, or I would just give up on. We decided to do the Hitch Fit Couples Bootcamp Program . I figured this was a way to help keep her going on the right track and get me started on the right track. Finally pulled the trigger and signed up for the couple’s program at the beginning of February. Of course, I was still reserved about this as I wanted to eat these foods that I love.
Micah had sent me my program and as I looked through it, it seemed not doable at all. I feared failure, letting myself down, and letting Retta down. Micah emphasized that I could start whenever I am ready. About 4 weeks later, on February 28th, I pulled up my big boy pants and said it is time to make a change. I emailed Micah letting him know that I started and of course the first meal of that morning I was cooking my breakfast. Well, I ended up blowing it up food all over in the microwave. I told myself this is not a great start at all. He got a pretty good laugh about it as I just over cooked it. Don’t know what I was thinking honestly putting it in there for 3 minutes. All I could honestly do is laugh and hope that this was going to be the worst of what was to come.
There were many struggles over time. There were times where I truly thought that Micah was trying to make me fatter with all the food, he was wanting me to eat. Eating 5-7 times a day initially was not very easy, but you put your trust in to what they are trying to provide you with nutrition and exercise, there is a reason why they have been successful. It did seem to get much easier as the time went on. I was beginning to see results and making the meals now were getting much easier.
Yes, there were still those tempting meals that I would make the boys for dinners or see them eating those dang cookies and milk, but I knew that is not what I wanted as I was starting to feel healthier more and more each day. Did I still have my cravings for sweets, pizza, pasta, and energy drinks? Absolutely! But I did not choose to eat them as I was liking what my body was doing. I’m not going to lie there have been a couple times that I have cheated with getting some birria tacos or ice cream, but I knew what and how it would make me feel. I also knew that is not the direction I wanted to keep going. It is okay to go in that direction but keep it as minimal as possible and that has become so much easier over the course of these 12 weeks.

Here I am finishing my 12 weeks. The results have been way more than expected and I feel like a whole new person.
During the 12 weeks, it can be difficult with how people see your transformation. It was ironic that there have been a few times people that knew me would say you need to eat a cheeseburger, or your clothes are getting too baggy, it’s not what you want to hear of course, but that next day Micah had posted on Facebook about Fit Shaming. Seeing that post I never really thought that was a thing but when he posted that, it just made me feel that much more confident in what I was doing and knowing I was doing what it takes to become a better me.
To conclude this, over the years there has been several different programs out there that I have tried, or I know people have tried. Whether it’s a pyramid scheme or a monthly subscription, there is something that is out there for everyone.
Hitch Fit by far, hands down has got to be the best program out there. This is not something that you need to pay monthly dues to or wait for a shipment of your monthly meals. This is having an outstanding health coach that will help you create a better lifestyle. This Father Of 3 Dropped 30 Lbs In 12 Weeks
I would recommend Hitch Fit to anybody that is wanting to change themselves for the better. They give you the tools to be successful, it’s just a matter of how bad you want those changes. I love the results that I have, and I will continue with this lifestyle that makes me feel the way I do. There is still more that I will continue to do to be healthier and this has been a huge steppingstone to get me there.
I want to thank team Hitch Fit, Micah for always being there to give me that push, Diana for helping and supporting Retta, my 3 boys for being a huge support to us both, and most importantly, my beautiful wife Retta for inspiring me so much during her lifestyle change and supporting me to become a better and healthier person.